Dr. Kotsakis
- 2016 AAP Teaching Fellowship, American Academy of Periodontology Foundation
- 2016 Clinical Science award, American Academy of Periodontology,
Dr. Safioti; Advisor: Dr. Daubert; Co-Advisor: Dr. Kotsakis - 2015 Clinical Science award, American Academy of Periodontology
- 2014 Dr. D. Walter Cohen award, American Academy of Periodontology
- 2014 AAP Educator Scholarship, American Academy of Periodontology
Dr. Daubert
- 2016 Clinical Science award, American Academy of Periodontology,
- Dr. Safioti; Advisor: Dr. Daubert; Co-Advisor: Dr. Kotsakis
- 2012 Hu-Friedy Nevi Scholarship Award
- 2012 Lake Washington Dental Hygiene Society Lifetime Achievement Award
- 2009 Dentsply/ADHA Graduate Student Research Award
- Omicron Kappa Upsilon National Dental Honor Society
- Katafuchi, M., Weinstein, B., Leroux, B., Chen, Y.,Daubert, D. Restoration contour is a risk indicator for peri‐implantitis: A cross‐sectional radiographic analysis. J Clin Periodontol. 2018 Feb;45(2):225-232
- Karoussis IK, Kyriakidou K, Papaparaskevas J, Vrotsos IA, Simopoulou M, Kotsakis GA*. Osteostimulative calcium phosphosilicate biomaterials partially restore the cytocompatibility of decontaminated titanium surfaces in a peri‐implantitis model. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2018 Feb 5. doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.34081
- LM Safioti, GA Kotsakis, AE Pozhitkov, WO Chung, DM Daubert. Increased Levels of Dissolved Titanium Are Associated With Peri-Implantitis–A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of periodontology 88 (5), 436-442, 2017
- Daubert DM. Titanium Corrosion is a Modifier of Peri-implant Health. Thesis. Oral Health Sciences, University of Washington, March 2017.
- GA Kotsakis, C Lan, J Barbosa, K Lill, R Chen, J Rudney, C Aparicio, Antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of peri-implantitis alter the physicochemistry and cytocompatibility of titanium surfaces. Journal of periodontology, 2016
- Bidra A, Daubert D, Garcia L et al. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Recall and Maintenance of Patients with Tooth-Borne and Implant-Borne Dental Restorations. J Prosthodontics. 2016; 25 S32-S40.
- Bidra A, Daubert D, Garcia L et al. A Systematic Review of Recall Regimen and Maintenance Regimen of Patients with Dental Restorations. Part 2: Implant Borne Restorations. J Prosthodontics. 2016; 25 S16-S31.
- Pozhitkov A, Daubert D, Brochwicz Donimirski A, Goodgion D, Vagin M, Leroux B, Hunter C, Flemmig TF, Noble P, Bryers J. Interruption of electrical conductivity of titanium dental implants suggests a path towards elimination of corrosion. Plos one, October 2015. 10:e0140393.
- Daubert DM, Weinstein B, Bordin S, Leroux B, Flemmig T. Prevalence and Predictive Factors for Peri-implant Disease and Implant Failure: A Cross-sectional Analysis. J Perio, March 2015; 86: 337-347.
- GA Kotsakis, Mandatory trial registration in oral health research: Long overdue? The Journal of the American Dental Association 148 (6), 353-356, 2017
- GBD 2016 collaborators. Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet. 2017 Sep 16;390(10100):1260-1344.
- PP Hujoel, G Kotsakis, IA Hujoel, Dental Morbidities, Smoking, Oral Hygiene, and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 14 (12), 1840-1841, 2016
- S Tyrovolas, A Koyanagi, DB Panagiotakos, JM Haro, NJ Kassebaum, GA Kotsakis. Population prevalence of edentulism and its association with depression and self-rated health. Scientific reports 6, 37083, 2016
- GBD 2015 SDG Collaborators. Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: a baseline analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015The Lancet 388 (10053), 1813-1850, 2016
- GBD 2015 Collaborators. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet 388 (10053), 1545-1602, 2016
- GA Kotsakis, V Chrepa, N Shivappa, M Wirth, J Hebert, A Koyanagi, Diet-borne systemic inflammation is associated with prevalent tooth loss Clinical Nutrition, 2017 Jun 9. pii: S0261-5614(17)30209-1
- B Pitcher, A Alaqla, M Noujeim, JA Wealleans, G Kotsakis, V Chrepa, Binary Decision Trees for Preoperative Periapical Cyst Screening Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography Journal of Endodontics 43 (3), 383-388, 2017
- Bidra A, Daubert D, Garcia L et al. A Systematic Review of Recall Regimen and Maintenance Regimen of Patients with Dental Restorations. Part 1: Tooth Borne Restorations. J Prosthodontics. 2016; 25 S2-S15.
- GS Chatzopoulos, L Tsalikis, A Konstantinidis, GA Kotsakis. A Two-Domain Self-Report Measure of Periodontal Disease Has Good Accuracy for Periodontitis Screening in Dental School Outpatients Journal of Periodontology 87 (10), 1165-1173, 2016
- Daubert D, Kelly J, Udod Y, Habor C, Kleist C, Furman I, Tikonov I, Swanson W, and Roberts F. Human enamel thickness and ENAM polymorphism. IJOS. 2016; 8(2): 93-97.
- James E Hinrichs, George A Kotsakis. “Classification of Diseases and Conditions Affecting the Periodontium’’. In: Newman, M.,Takei, H., Klokkevold P., Carranza, F., Clinical Periodontology, Chapter 3, 12th Edition published by Elsevier. 2014
- Babbush C, Kanawati A, Kotsakis GA*. Marginal Bone Stability Around Tapered, Platform-Shifted Implants Placed with an Immediately Loaded Four-Implant-Supported Fixed Prosthetic Concept: A Cohort Study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2016 May-Jun;31(3):643-50.
- Kotsakis GA*, Boufidou F, Hinrichs JE, Prasad HS, Rohrer M, Tosios KI. Extraction Socket Management Utilizing Platelet Rich Fibrin: A Proof-of-Principle Study of the “Accelerated-Early Implant Placement” Concept. J Oral Implantol. 2016 Apr;42(2):164-8.
- Mitsias ME, Siormpas KD, Kontsiotou-Siormpa E, Prasad H, Garber D, Kotsakis GA. A Step-by-Step Description of PDL-Mediated Ridge Preservation for Immediate Implant Rehabilitation in the Esthetic Region. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2015 Nov-Dec;35(6):835-41
- Kotsakis GA*, Mazor Z. A simplified approach to the minimally invasive antral membrane elevation technique utilizing a viscoelastic medium for hydraulic sinus floor elevation. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 Mar;19(1):97-101.
- Kotsakis GA*, Javed F, Hinrichs J, Karoussis I, Romanos G. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of cigarette smoking on clinical outcomes following periodontal flap surgical procedures. J Periodontol. 2015; 86(2):254-263
- Siormpas, K, Mitsias, M, Kontsiotou- Siormpa E, Garber, D, Kotsakis GA*. Immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone utilizing the ‘’root-membrane’’ technique: clinical results up to 5 years post-loading. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014 Nov-Dec;29(6):1397-405
- Kotsakis GA*, Joachim F, Saroff SA, Mahesh L, Prasad H, Rohrer M. Histomorphometric Evaluation of a Calcium-Phosphosilicate Bone Substitute in Extraction Sockets. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2014 Mar-Apr;34(2):233-9
- Kotsakis GA*, Salama M, Chrepa V, Hinrichs J, Gaillard P. A randomized, blinded, controlled clinical study of particulate Anorganic Bovine Bone Mineral and Calcium Phosphosilicate Putty bone substitutes for alveolar ridge preservation. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014 Jan-Feb;29(1):141-51
- Suheil Boutros, George A Kotsakis. “Techniques of Soft Tissue Grafting in Implant Dentistry” In: Tolstunov L ed. Vertical Alveolar Ridge Augmentation in Implant dentistry, by Willey. 2016
- Curtis, D, Lin, G, Fishman, A, Sadowsky, S, Daubert, D, Kapila, Y, Sharma, A, Conte, G, Yonemura, C, Marinello, C, Kao, R.Patient-Centered Risk Assessment in Implant Treatment Planning. Int J of Oral and Maxillofac Implants. 2019;34:506-520.
- Daubert D, Black R, Chrepa V, and Kotsakis G., Endodontic-peri-implant defects; a new disease entity. J Endo. Accepted December 2019.
- Daubert DM, Pozhitkov, A., McLean, J., Kotsakis, G., Association of global DNA methylation, titanium particles and peri-implantitis: a case-control study. JDR Clin Trans Res. 2019; 3: 284-291.
- Daubert DM, Pozhitkov, A., Safioti, L., Kotsakis, G. Titanium as a modifier of the peri-implant microbiome structure. Clin Implant Dent Rel Res. 2018; 20:945-953.