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Kathleen Wright joins team

Hello, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kathleen L. Wright and I’m a first-year student in the Health Services MPH program, on the Maternal and Child Health track. Read more about »

My Experience in the Peruvian Amazon

Dating back as far as 11,000 years ago, Peru is home of some of the oldest civilizations in the world. Its people and culture are as diverse as its lands. Rising from the coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean to the peaks of the Andes Mountains, the country houses the source of the vast Amazon River. Much like the Andes’ divide the country in two, there is a clear divide in the “haves” and “have nots.” Read more about »

Studying abroad in Perth, Western Australia

I have recently returned from six months studying abroad in Perth, Western Australia. While I was there, I had the opportunity of getting to know my family in Australia, as well as roommates from Denmark and Sweden. Read more about »

How to Exceed Your Comfort Zone – And Be Okay with It

As I reflect upon my college experience thus far, I realize the last three years since I started attending the University of Washington have been the most challenging, transforming, and defining years of my life. Attending the University of Washington in Seattle was a giant leap out of my comfort zone, but this university has changed the course of my future and inspired me in ways I could have never imagined. Read more about »

Making a Career of Humanity

In the midst of practicing dentistry in the pre-clinic, studying for my courses, engaging in extracurricular activities, and preparing for the NBDE Part I, I often feel that the tempo of my life is much too fast. Every time I visit home, my parents seem older and my house looks different. Time relentlessly continues to pass. I sometimes forget to pause to think about my life from a greater perspective. Instead of thinking about each task of each day, I want to think about my role in the world and my vision for the future. Read more about »

Borders Without Doctors

I am a current 2nd year dental student pursuing a career in oral and maxillofacial surgery. What that means is that after my four years of training in dentistry, an additional 6 years in an oral and maxillofacial surgery program will grant me the skills, privilege, and the medical degree to perform surgeries in the head and neck region (of course, additional fellowships may be necessary) – Whew! But I don’t wish to end my training there. Read more about »

Belle Chen

The moment I committed my career path to dentistry occurred while I was teaching English in Taiwan, the country in which my parents grew up. A common practice in Taiwan is to hire a housekeeper, often this means young women move from third world countries to work for affluent families in order to send money. While I was volunteering, I befriended the daughter of a housekeeper and she became attached quickly. Read more about »

Muruudul Otgonbold

Hi! I’m Muruudul Otgonbold, but I go by Muuduu. I am a twenty-one year old undergraduate student who is just as confused and lost as many other millenials about the uncertainty that the future holds. I was born and raised in Mongolia until I was twelve years old, where I then moved and lived in Korea for five years. I’ve now lived in Washington State for four years now and even though it’s rainy all the time, I love it. Read more about »

UW Students Making Strides in Global Oral Health

We are students passionate about working with dentistry on a global scale! We join forces with our innovative mentor, Dr. Seminario, in the development of the Timothy A. DeRouen Center for Global Oral Health here at the University of Washington. Read more about »