Greetings from Peru. My name is Natalia Valverde Espinoza, and I am a midwife with a master’s degree in Teaching and Research in Health. I am an Assistant Professor at Universidad Continental, where I am deeply passionate about reproductive health and research ethics. Recently, I had the opportunity to visit the University of Washington’s Timothy A. DeRouen Center for Global Oral Health. The purpose of this visit was to initiate a research project aimed at mapping all Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) in Peru and assessing their compliance with the minimum requirements set by the regulatory entity (INS). This was to be accomplished by gathering information from official websites, which remains a challenge due to the limited emphasis placed on formalizing these IRBs in my country. The visit to UW was challenging, but I am excited about how much more there is still to learn.

During my time at UW, several researchers graciously took the time to listen to my ideas, and the mentorship of Dr. Ana Lucía Seminario, was invaluable. This experience also allowed me to attend presentations on mental health, HIV, family planning, and to gain insights from researchers on the importance of scientific publication, ethics, and the practical application of research.
Since the beginning of my career, I have participated in various global health projects throughout Peru. This involvement has enabled me to better understand local realities and to establish stronger connections with regional and local government officials. I am currently finalizing the manuscript of a study and starting a university-funded project on comprehensive post-abortion care in the jungle and highland regions of Peru, which I hope will eventually include an oral health component.
My next goal is to advance my research career by applying for a PhD program at the University of Washington, where I aim to strengthen my research skills, as well as to seek international funding from organizations such as the NIH, to continue developing my projects for the benefit of global health. Without a doubt, my time at UW has transformed my understanding of what true research involves.