The Timothy A. DeRouen Center’s Board of Directors convened in a pivotal meeting in Bogota, Colombia, in June 2023, marking a significant milestone in the Center’s journey. The meeting included the DeRouen Center director Ana Lucia Seminario, Program Manager Sara Stanley, and board members Arthur Kemoli, Frank Roberts, Waranuch Pitiphat, Timothy DeRouen, and Jorge Castillo.

At the heart of the discussions were the accomplishments of the Center over the past few years and reviewing the Center’s five-year strategic plan which is in the fourth year. Notably, these achievements include the successful revamping of the DeRouen Center website and newsletter, the introduction of two new student courses increased grant funding, expanding its publication portfolio, executing fruitful research trips to Kenya and Peru, and receiving a generous endowment from Tim and Cheryl DeRouen.
Looking forward, the Board outlined ambitious objectives for the future. The few of the top priorities are attaining affiliation status with the World Health Organization (WHO), a significant recognition of the Center’s dedication to global health research and initiatives and securing physical space within the University of Washington’s main campus, which will further strengthen the Center’s presence and facilitate collaborative research endeavors. With this strategic vision, the DeRouen Center remains steadfast in its mission to advance global oral health and research on the world stage.