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Dr. Immaculate Opondo in PhD Program

Dr. Immaculate Opondo, Pediatric Dentist at Maseno University, has been accepted into the University of Nairobi research training PhD program
Dr. Immaculate Opondo, Pediatric Dentist at Maseno University, has been accepted into the University of Nairobi research training PhD program.

Dr. Immaculate Opondo, a pediatric dentist at Maseno University in Kisumu, Kenya, and a colleague of the University of Washington’s Timothy A. DeRouen Center for Global Oral Health, has enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Nairobi. The research training program, which focuses on HIV prevention and treatment in children and adolescents, is led by Drs. Dalton Wamalwa and Ruth Nduati of the University of Nairobi, with co-direction from Dr. Carey Farquhar of the University of Washington. Supported by a National Institutes of Health (NIH) D43 grant, the program provides a robust platform for advancing research in critical areas of public health. Dr. Opondo began her coursework in October 2024 and is expected to complete the program within four years.

Dr. Opondo’s PhD research explores the intersection of oral health and public health, specifically investigating infant oral mutilation and its association with HIV infection. This unique area of study seeks to uncover critical insights into how traditional practices contribute to HIV transmission, aiming to inform prevention and intervention strategies for vulnerable populations. Beyond her academic pursuits, Dr. Opondo has served as the study coordinator for the NIH R21 grant titled “Dynamics of HIV-infection, Oral Innate Immunity and The Development of Oral Diseases in Children” led by the DeRouen Center, and has served as the onsite leader for seven UW dental students conducting oral health research project in Kisumu, Kenya as part of the UW Global Oral Health: From Theory to Action course, further demonstrating her dedication to impactful global health research. Her work continues to contribute to the advancement of oral health and HIV prevention in children, enhancing health outcomes in Kenya and around the world.

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